Welcome to InformEtica Consulting srl

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Lunedì - Venerdì

27 January 2021

InformEtica Consulting becomes a Group!

InformEtica Consulting, a company operating in IT and consulting services for over 15 years, has differentiated and increased its business. With a series of corporate transactions started in the year in which the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, InformEtica Consulting pursued and believed in new growth’s opportunities. The “spin-off” of a specific business unit (InnoTech Srl), the creation of a Group and the investment on a third business operation were all aimed at its Core Business.

The initiatives of the InformEtica Group are based on the strategy of meeting the market’s needs. Although the company already has a strong recognition in the ERP business (mainly in the Italian country, but also internationally) with the SAP Business One solution and its own LPOne add-on, InformEtica decided to segment its business proposal into independent companies, each one capable and focused on addressing in a proper way the specialization needs which Italian and foreign SMEs require. More often the entrepreneurs ask more than a simple supplier of products, they need a technological partner who drives the digital transformation of the company. After years of experience acquired both in the SMEs sector and in the manufacturing area, the InformEtica Group presents itself on the market as lean and specialized player, made of agile business structures capable of moving in different contexts, thanks to their own unique skills.

Corporate developments: InnoTech Srl

Last November the third company of the Group was born, InnoTech Srl, an independent company which develops solutions suited to the market’s needs. Even though InnoTech is a “young” and fresh company, it does not lack skills since it takes advantage of the 15 years of experience of InformEtica Consulting in terms of resources, products, and last but not least, competence. The company will be a software-factory fully focused on software development and distribution ranging from projects to innovative (hence, the word “Inno”) and technological (hence, the word “Tech”) products for both the Italian and foreign market.

InnoTech represents a business area devoted to technological innovation, as the name itself implies. The strength of this company is to offer projects and solutions developed for the manufacturing, distribution and retail sectors. Like YouSolution, another company of InformEtica Group, InnoTech is a SAP Build Partner. Some of their solutions are integrated in the SAP Business One ERP software. InnoTech CEO is Enrico Biolo, also InformEtica Comsulting’s CTO and COO, known for the innovate projects presented at the international SMB Innovation Summit, organized by SAP. InnoTech’s sales model is purely indirect, i.e. through a network of qualified partners working in technological implementation areas (https://innotech.software/en/).

“In this particular historical moment, we want to give emphasis on what we are most passionate about: satisfying the needs of our customers in the best possible way, driving them towards a future that does not allow being late. 

Our team is solid, it put together different kinds of experiences, but with the common goal to offer technological innovation in everything it does. We want to be the reference point for our partners, in Italy and abroad, with our software solutions portfolio, with the commitment shown over the years and with the cross skills acquired. We deal with software, but the success of a project is closed linked to the choice of the right team !! ” ENRICO BIOLO, InnoTech CEO

The commercial operation

Another important step taken by InformEtica Group is a commercial agreement with VM Sistemi. Further this operation, the Group has now a brand new business unit with customers, resources and a vertical solution, named TradeOne, integrated with SAP Business One, for the distribution sector.

 “Within the framework of broader collaborations between VM Sistemi Group and InformEtica group, we have decided to enhance the SAP BU by jointly managing an operation, effective from 01/01/2021, that has led almost all of our active SAP customers to go for a direct collaboration with InformEtica Consulting.

 With this agreement we also ensure to InformEtica Consulting the maximum support, in our mainstream market, where a customer for several and different reasons asks for an international ERP solution. ” GIAN DOMENICO CERONI, VM Sistemi CEO

InformEtica Group is Agile

In a competitive market where customer challenges and the business models are changing, InformEtica Group has chosen to be agile. To improve competitiveness both in terms of sales proposition and of skills and competences, it has chosen to be reactive and to create a Group made of 3 companies that cover its core-business: InformEtica Consulting, a consulting company and a digital transformation specialist as well, YouSolution, a company that offers a cloud platform where decoupled solutions can be integrated, and InnoTech, a software factory with focus on Technological Innovations. Both InnoTech and YouSolution  (www.yousolution.cloud) offer their solutions and service to the partner market. It is clear how the proposed organizational modularity can offer more flexible business models within the same Group, as well as it can respond more quickly to its customers’ needs, though a faster time-to-market.

” In 2020 we celebrated 15 years of activity. For this reason, we had to come up with something new and innovative to face a deeply changing market, driven by external and unforeseen factors.  Despite the tough and challenging market conditions, InformEtica had a double-digit growth, reaching a fivefold turnover in five years and with a number of people in line with the turnover figures. The conditions for specializing the mainstream business of software development in a “new company”, which was not in the initial objectives of 2005, will lets InformEtica Consulting to focus on its initial goal. At the same time InformEtica Consulting  can count on a “Software Factory” which has differentiated us from the rest of the market in the last 15 years. We believe that we have laid the foundations of another 15 years of success for the 3 companies of the group, and then … who knows, also 2021 might lead us to some new and interesting idea, the financial statements of the group seem to allow it. ” ANDREA GRIGOLI, CEO of InformEtica Consulting

InformEtica Group structure

Core values for Our success

  • Efficiency and Agility. A secure but flexible governance.
  • Innovation. the internal knowledge and competence from which came out ideas, projects and innovative solutions.
  • New technologies. Consistent investments in technologies’ development.
  • Experience and skills.  Knowledge of customers, business sectors and technology is key
